Videre sine videri.

“Videre sine videri.” This principle is as old as the military confrontation and in view of the constant increase in performance of modern sensor technology and articicial intelligence more than ever a challenge.
In the modern highly mobile deployment of military and security forces there is a constant and rapid change of environment. This does not happen only between different “geographic-tactical environments”, e.g. “woodland, urban, desert” but to a very great extent within it – permanently meter by meter.
In our opinion, therefore, highly flexible, auto-adaptive camouflage patterns are required, which can be modularly combined and result in a total camouflage system. We wanted to achieve this complex goal with robust, low-interference products. Furthermore, the patterns must be optimally tailored in size and shape to the object to be camouflaged.
When creating a camouflage pattern for workwear as an example for the application of our novel algorithm, it has the distinct advantage of fitting in well despite these changing backgrounds. Due to the special structure of the pattern, this also happens fluently from the near to the far distance and an
optimal synergy with the equipment and the human figure.
Furthermore, we consistently integrate medical, psychiatric and neuropsychologic expertise to optimally influence the interaction of measurable data and data processing.
We are convinced that the camouflage effect is significantly increased by the optimal integration of camouflage patterns and other system components such as material and shape or cut. We take this into account together with our partners from the first day of product development.
The principle of the invention can be integrated into existing camouflage patterns and can thus decisively increase their camouflage effect without the user losing his “corporate identity”. This is especially important in uniforms and for friend-enemy detection of crucial importance.
It goes without saying that we create camouflage patterns with an unmistakable design for a visually sustainable impression.

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