Optimal protection worldwide.

Z1A Heat desert

For assignments in hot regions with none or extremely little natural cover from sandy plains, boulder and rocky regions up to the transition to grassy areas and scrublands.

Z1B Rock desert

Designed for the regions above the tree line and tundra zones from the low lying scrub to bare rock and boulder, but also to some extent those that are snow covered.

Z1C Snow desert

The idea for this pattern and color ensemble was specially made for an assignment in snow deserts nearly without vegetation and perennial ice.

Z2 Low growing vegetation

For the transition area between the remaining regions particularly Z 1a and Z 3a with grass and bush lands and here and there rocks and boulders.

Z3A High vegetation without snow cover

For the assignment in areas with higher vegetation from deciduous and coniferous forests to tropical jungle with flexibility for the boundary zones to Z 2 like bush, agricultural or grass lands.

Z3B High vegetation with snow cover

For application in regions with natural cover and intermittent snow cover.

Z4 Construction

For the assignment in man made settings from urban terrain with large vehicles like ships, airplanes and trains up to special environments like oil platforms.

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